JGP Seminar by Dr. Duncan W. Brown (President, Pacific Tech Link, USA)

2024/01/10 - 2024/01/29   [Updated date : 2023/12/24 ]

JGP Seminar IX (Series 3) by Dr. Duncan W. Brown (President, Pacific Tech Link, USA)

Title: Start-Ups and New Product Development

      Extraordinarily Exciting, Challenging and Fun!

Abst. Scientists and engineers are often the key members of a product development team or start-up because the scientists and engineers create the solutions to the technical problems.

But, in addition to providing technical expertise, a founder or early member of a new product development or start-up team needs to:

・Choose and develop the product

・Develop, evaluate, re-develop and then explain the business model

・Negotiate with vendors, customers, banks, and employees

・Learn how to make the best possible decisions, all the while

・Conversing the language of ¥

Date: 3:00 pm–4:30 pm, Jan. 10 (Wed.), 15 (Mon.), 22 (Mon.), 29 (Mon.), 2024

Place: A3-024, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University

Contact: JGP Office (Phone: 075-383-2878)

1月講義ポスター(Dr. Duncan W. Brown)