Educational programs offering most (or, in the case of doctoral programs, all) lectures in English, including courses in the form of intensive lectures by faculty members from international partners, will be introduced to establish education of an international standard. This will enable graduate students to strengthen their ability to take a comprehensive view and foster an international mindset, while increasing the number of high quality international students. Faculty members from Kyoto University and international partner institutions will provide joint guidance to students preparing their dissertations, which will not only foster an international orientation in students but also help Kyoto University faculty members to further develop their research and education skills and increase the number of internationally co-authored publications. In addition, graduate students will pursue their research at international partner institutions under internship programs, which will improve their skills in research and communication information. Furthermore, international workshops and international student workshops planned and managed by the students themselves will be organized. These will be used to communicate information on Kyoto University’s research activities to research institutions and corporates domestically and abroad, as well as to further develop the skills students and researchers require when taking their places on the international stage.