
Course Title Course Description Course Classification Instructor
Dimensional Control and Micro-Nano Systems This lecture is aimed to provide recent topics on reaction mechanisms involving nano-scale ion and electron transport, synthesis of nanoparticles, controlling nanostructures of solid state catalysts, and reactions/separation/analysis using devises with nano-to-micro meter size. Laboratory of Materials Engineering and Chemistry  Kageyama
Molecular Function and Composite-Assembly Function Principles and their examples of revealing molecular function will be described based on molecular design. We also focus on guidelines of molecular design and their representative examples to achieve function of molecular composites and assemblies. Laboratory of Materials Engineering and Chemistry  Imahori
Frontiers in the Field of Chemical Biology and Biological Chemistry In the cutting-edge of research fields, chemistry and biology are being closely related each other. In this class, progress in such interdisciplinary areas and topics including natural products, biophysics, bioimaging, biomaterials, regenerative medicine, microbiology, thermal biology, structural biology, chemical biology, molecular physiology and others, are briefly explained and discussed. Laboratory of Engineering for Life Science and Medicine Shirakawa
Integrated Chemical Synthesis The course is aimed at developing a deeper understanding chemical reactions by taking advantage of the characteristic features of flow microreactors space integration of reactions using flow microreactors. The course is not a compilation of all fields of flow microreactor synthesis, but it focuses on high-resolution reaction time control and fast micromixing. The topics discussed in this book would be sufficient to interest a wide range of students in this fascinating field of chemistry and to encourage them to try chemical synthesis using flow microreactors. Laboratory of Materials Engineering and Chemistry Yoshida
Integrated Chemical Processes The basic concept of unit operation using micro space is explained. Then, the design and control strategies of new micro chemical plants are lectured. Laboratory of Materials Engineering and Chemistry Mae
Microbiology and Biotechnology This lecture will introduce the various forms of life that are present on our planet as well as the mechanisms involved in sustaining their life. Commonly used tools in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics will also be discussed. In addition, methods to utilize cells and their enzymes in biotechnology will be introduced. Lectures will be given in English, with the aim to improve communication/discussion skills. Laboratory of Engineering for Life Science and Medicine Atomi
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Adv. The following contents are covered: – Kinetic analysis of gas-solid-catalyst reaction, gas-solid reaction, and CVD reaction, – Operation and design of reactors for gas-solid-catalyst and gas-solid reactions, and – Industrial reactors including fixed bed, fluidized bed, moving bed, simulated moving bed, and stirred tank types. This lecture is given in English.  SGU Kawase
Advanced Topics in Transport Phenomena After general introductions on the flow properties (Rheology) of polymeric liquids as typical examples of non-Newtonian fluids, the relationship (known as the constitutive equation) between strain rate and stress is explained. In addition to classical phenomenological approaches, molecular approaches based on statistical mechanics will be taught in this course. To this end, basic lectures on “Langevin Equation”, “Hydrodynamic Interaction”, and “Linear Response Theory” will also be given. SGU Yamamoto
Mathematics and Numerical Computing SGU Chem. Eng. Staff
English for Debate and Communications SGU JGP Subunit Staff
Introduction to Advanced Material Science and Technology The various technologies used in the field of material science serve as bases for so-called “high technologies”, and, in turn, the high technologies develop material science. These relate to each other very closely and contribute to the development of modern industries. In this class, recent progresses in material science are briefly introduced, along with selected current topics on new biomaterials, nuclear engineering materials, new metal materials and natural raw materials. The methods of material analysis and future developments in material science are also discussed. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Mizuno
Advanced Modern Science and Technology Engineering/Engineers have been expected to fulfill key roles among social issues and others, such as energy, environment and resource. This class introduces cutting edge science and technologies from their backgrounds, research and development, to problems for the practical applications. In addition to the understanding of each technology, the attendances learn the importance for engineers to have multidisciplinary mind and understand the significance of engineering to realize sustainable development. Group discussions will be done for further understanding of the topics of the course. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Mizuno
Professional Scientific Presentation Exercises It is imperative for future engineers to be able to communicate and deliver effectively scientific information to large variety of audiences. This skill enables engineers to share and absorb information to more extended audiences, and facilitates success in selling ideas and products, publishing and team working. The purpose of this course is to teach the basic rules needed for successful professional scientific presentation, both orally and written. The course also prepares students to deliver scientific information presentations to wide audiences. The course is consisted of excessive exercises, of which the student should complete seven (7) tasks. The course holds 3-4 tasks for oral presentation exercises, and 3-4 tasks for professional scientific writing exercises. The exact number of both exercises is adjusted for each student’s needs. The course is aimed for doctor course (DC) students, both Japanese and Foreign nationals. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Lintuluoto
Advanced Engineering and Economy Engineering economics plays central role in any industrial engineering project. For an engineer, it is important to apply the engineering know-how with the economic analysis skills to obtain the best available materials, methods, devices, etc. in the most economical way. This course is aimed to teach engineering students the basic economic methods to manage economically an engineering project. In addition, the report writing on various engineering economic issues prepares to write reports in a professional form. The lab sessions are meant for the verbal skills improvement as well as improvement of analytical thinking. The topics are of current relevant topics Small-group brain-storming method is used. The exercise sessions cover the use of Ms-Excel for various quantitative economic analyses. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Lintuluoto
Engineering Project Management I The purpose of this course is to teach the basic skills needed for expressing and initiating ideas, and presenting information in successful international engineering group work. The course provides simulations for students in group managing and decision making in international engineering teams. International teamwork ethics subjects for successful engineering project will be practiced. The course consists of lectures, case studies, the invited lecture from an industry representative and the final examination. Also, a project report exercise is included in this course. The course is basically designed for doctor course (DC) students, both Japanese and foreign nationals. If place are available they may be given to master course students. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Mizuno
Engineering Project Management II In this course, students will apply the engineering know-how and the skills of management, group leadership, and international communication which they learned in the course of “Engineering Project Management I” to build and carry out a virtual inter-engineering project. This course provides a forum where students’ team-plan based on ideas and theories, decision making, and leadership should produce realistic engineering project outcomes. The course consists of intensive group work and a few intermediate discussions. The course will be held 6 weeks for group work, and two (2) intermediate discussions, project presentation to a wide audience, and a written report will be required. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Mizuno
Exercise in Practical Scientific English Students learn about the basics of technical writing in English, and learn about and practice the format, style, and mechanics of the scientific research article. Students will also develop skills needed to create and deliver an effective presentation in English. We may restrict the class size to enhance learning. The course is shared by Master’s and Doctoral Course students. Interdisciplinary Engineering Course Program (GL) Nishi